An initiative of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Issue Brief

Stronger Nutrition Policies Are Helping Children Thrive

Food systems School Meals SNAP WIC


November 27th, 2024


We all want children to grow up healthy, and when nutrition policies are strong, comprehensive, and universal, millions of children benefit.

Over the last two decades, RWJF has been working with grantees and partners to modernize and strengthen key policies at the federal, state, and local levels that shape how children and families access and afford healthy food. And while this report is focused on nutrition-related changes, there have been parallel efforts at all levels to make it easier for children to be active at school and in their communities. These changes are making healthy foods more available in communities, helping more families afford nutritious foods, supporting physical activity, and creating healthier childcare and school settings.

And yet, there have been setbacks and challenges along the way that exclude some children and families, putting them at risk for poor health. Proposals that cut funding for or weaken federal nutrition programs harm children and families. The same is true when states decide not to take up or expand policy efforts that work. Leaders at every level must focus on opportunities to strengthen policies, not dilute them, so that all children benefit.

LESSON LEARNED:  Never assume that hard-won progress is secure. 

Crystal FitzSimons from the Food Research & Action Center (FRAC) shares her vision for nutrition policy in the U.S.

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