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Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

SNAP helps roughly 42 million people to access foods and beverages.

SNAP is the nation’s largest nutrition assistance program, helping roughly 42 million people afford food. SNAP is proven to increase food security, improve children’s health and academic performance, support economic growth, and lift people out of poverty. A $1 billion increase in SNAP benefits during an economic downturn would increase the national Gross Domestic Product by $1.54 billion, support 13,560 new jobs, and create $32 million in farm income. 

Legislation passed during the COVID-19 pandemic increased SNAP funding to cover millions of additional participants and provided a temporary 15% increase in monthly benefits. During this period, USDA also updated the formula it uses to determine baseline benefits. By summer 2023, all of the pandemic-related boosts to benefits and administrative flexibilities had expired. Data from the Census Bureau show that among households impacted by the end of those policies, 1 in 4 report “sometimes” or “often” not having enough to eat, even with continued SNAP benefits.

SNAP was last reauthorized by Congress through the 2018 Farm Bill, and while the Farm Bill is up for reauthorization, it is not clear that Congress will be able to pass a new Farm Bill before current funding runs out on September 30, 2025. Newly proposed funding cuts and policy changes to SNAP could impact the program’s ability to reach all those who need it.

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Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
42 million
Roughly 42 million people participate in SNAP
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Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
There are 6 states where 100% of eligible residents are able to participate in SNAP
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Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
Nearly half of all people participating in SNAP are children
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The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) is one of the nation’s largest federal nutrition programs, serving millions of people each month, including about half of all infants born in the United States.

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